The new 38’ diameter test ring
The new 38’ diameter test ring represent the largest installation available on the market for full scale tests of fans performances, noise and mechanical properties.
Tests can be processed with real time acquisition of several parameters including airflow, static pressure, absorbed power, vibrations, stresses, wind conditions; performances and noise test can be executed in accordance with different international standards.
400KwA CAT diesel generator allows to simulate the most severe conditions of real sites at different fan speeds thanks to the Variable Frequency Drive System.
COFIMCO at the 24th Power-Gen: a successful presence!
The presence of COFIMCO to 24th Power-Gen, which was held in Milan last June, is certainly not gone unnoticed! Tens of OEMs operators and End Users, important new and old customers, were welcome guests in our booth, getting acquainted with our most recent productions.
This successful international event offered us the opportunity to introduce to an attentive and very interested audience, the TANDEM high efficiency fan series, and the 35F blade. The 35F is the only fan in the world equipped with pultruded FRP shaft with carbon-fiber, a solution which has led to vibration reduction and performance increase.
All visitors were particularly impressed by the amazing characteristics of both products, ensuring COFIMCO a new, large group of... fans!
Smaller size, big performance. TANDEM® 20TD
Looking to the future in the wake of 30TD TANDEM® high efficiency fans success, COFIMCO studied, patented and recently launched the new TANDEM® 20TD.
The 20TD combine design, technology and high efficiency of the 30TD with smaller sizes that allows the fan suitable for smaller applications.
In details, while the 30TD is available for range diameters from 10 to 18 ft, the 20TD offer a range diameters from 8 to 16 ft.
Thanks to the numerous tests carried on field by our customers and all the acquired data, we can confirm that the COFIMCO-TANDEM® is keeping its promises, offering an impressive increase of air flow and enhanced efficiency. More, due to its low energy consumption, we can safely say that the product can be repaid through energy savings.
24th Power-Gen: rendezvous in Milan
COFIMCO and Hudson Products are confirming their presence at the 24th Power-Gen, which will be held in Milan from 21st to 23rd of June. The event summarize all aspects of today’s centralized and distributed power generation sector, featuring the leading suppliers, sub-suppliers, service providers and end-users across the entire power generation value chain.
COFIMCO take the opportunity to show here the superb features of the high efficiency TANDEM® fan; visitors will also have the chance to know the new 35F, the first and only worldwide blade with pultruded FRP shaft with carbon-fiber.
Come and visit us at booth 3H G19
The event will be held at MiCo Milano Congressi – Fieramilanocity, which is less than an hour's drive from our Italian headquarters in Pombia: this could be an exciting opportunity for our customers to visit COFIMCO Italy facilities.
TANDEM® reaches 1,000 (and still counting)!
We are extremely happy about the warm welcome that has been given to TANDEM® fan, one of the most efficient, and technically advanced axial fan ever: only in 2015, more than 1,000 TANDEM® fans have been installed in new operating plants all over the world.
Thanks to its extraordinary characteristics, the TANDEM® fan is also finding place in not less than 200 revamping projects, ensuring the end user a significant and continuous energy savings
The new Cameron installations in the US and the PTT facilities in Thailand are among the most important projects that have choose our innovative product.
CAMERON LNG PJT (Louisiana US) is one of the worlds largest liquefaction of gas and now bases its new refrigeration system on COFIMCO-TANDEM® high efficiency fans.
The PTT - Petroleum Authority of Thailand - is highly active in petroleum, natural gas, petrochemicals, electricity production, engineering and construction. An air cooler operating in their plant was equipped by 96 aluminum blade fans supplied by one of our American competitors.
In recent times, those fans have been replaced with the new COFIMCO-TANDEM®; high efficiency model; the operation led to an improvement of 15% of the electrical power input conditions, greatly enhancing the heat exchange efficiency of the air cooler, achieving a considerable advantage in economic terms.
We are more than certain that soon we will be able to tell you more examples of how the new COFIMCO-TANDEM® improves the efficiency of both new and old plants worldwide.
Stay tuned.
Patent and trademark recongnition to Cofimco TANDEM® fan model
Cofimco is proud to announce the recognition of the patent and trademark for new high efficiency TANDEM® Cofimco fan model.
Cofimco TANDEM®:
Save Energy,
Save Money!
Would you like to know more?
The Annual ACC Users Group Conference
During the 7th Annual ACC Users Group Conference September 21-24, 2015, Cofimco technical director Mr. Nicola Romano, gave the presentation “WIND LOADS ON FAN BLADES & BLADE DYNAMICS”
Here below a short abstract on relative conclusions:
- Wind can dramatically increase the dynamic load acting on the blades.
- The dynamic load gets transmitted to the bridge increasing the vibration level, up to nearly 3 times the nominal value in the conditions simulated in this report (120 rpm,WS=25 m/s)
- For the above reasons, the loads and stress on the drive chain components can reach up to three times the nominal level (in the conditions simulated in this report)
- The flow rate can be largely reduced by the wind (up to nearly 50% the nominal value in the conditions simulated in this report , 120 rpm,WS=25 m/s)
- Great advantages in terms of vibration mitigation and drive chain stress reduction can be achieved using the 35F blade equipped with embedded friction-based damper.
FRP-Carbon pultruded shaft presentation
During the 2015 Cooling Technology Institute Annual Conference New Orleans, Louisiana - February 9-12, 2015 Cofimco Engineering Manager Mr. Carlo Gallina was proud to present our “INNOVATIVE FRP-CARBON PULTRUDED SHAFT FOR AXIAL FAN BLADES”.
Here below a short abstract:
Cofimco extensive research and laboratory tests pointed out in the development of an innovative shank to connect the blade airfoils to the hub of large axial fans used on Cooling Towers and Air Cooled Condensers: the new pultruded FRP shank reinforced with carbon rovings.
The innovative shank material gives to the blade a suitable elasticity, midway between flexible and rigid links, resulting in a noticeable reduction of the vibration level introduced by the fan in the supporting structure; simultaneously, high strength of carbon rovings and innovative "damped" shaft design let fan blades to withstand the most severe duty points and limit blade deformation.
13/11/2014 COFIMCO China receives GEA HX delegation
Our Chang Shu factory received a delegation composed by CEO of various worldwide AFC BU companies of GEA HX. France, China, Germany, Russia, Brazil and other countries reunited.
After a presentation of COFIMCO company, there was a visit in the workshop showing production of our axial fans.
A step forward to a better and deeper cooperation between COFIMCO and GEA.