ProSilenX® fan series

Developed through aero-acoustic analysis to meet the most stringent noise limitations, the Cofimco ProSilenX® fan series, represents the status of the art in the new generation of super low noise fans. Compared to other fans, the ProSilenX® series fan allows a noticeable noise reduction, while maintaining the same cooling capacity. Furthermore, the lower aerodynamic turbulence generated by the blades allows to keep very high level of fan efficiency and reduce power consumption for the same delivered performances.

ProSilenX® fan blades are available in three patented options, 40FX, 50FX and 60FX ranging in diameter from 7 up to 22 ft. For high temperature requirements the Aluminum version 40LX and 50LX are available ranging in diameter for 7 up to 16ft.

The new blade design represents a great innovation among the silent solutions of industrial axial fans also providing a simultaneous energy saving and therefore a meaningful reduction of CO2 emissions

Main applications:

  • Air Cooled Heat Exchanger
  • Packaged and field erected wet cooling towers
  • Air cooled steam condensers
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Axial Fans
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Cofimco S.p.A.
via Gramsci, 136 Pombia (NO) Italia

Capitale Sociale Euro 516.460 i.v.
P.IVA 01508600036  N. REA 178367
Società a Socio unico

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