U Series

Series U adjustable pitch fans are available in diameters from 4ft (1.2 m) to 16ft (4.8 m) in six different blade profiles (aluminium extruded or FRP pultruded). The blades are connected to the hub, in standard and reverse mounting types, through a high quality steel shaft.

The U hub is made from a machined steel forged part and each blade is clamped by two hot dip galvanized U bolts. This solution makes the fan assembly much faster and easier because each blade can be installed separately.

The U hub is available in three different sizes depending on the fan diameter/number of blades and also available in counterclockwise configuration. The connection to the driving shaft can be provided either through a cylindrical bore or a tapered bushing.

Main applications:

  • Air coolers
  • Wet cooling towers
  • Air cooled steam condensers
  • Radiators
  • Air conditioning
  • Ventilation
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Axial Fans
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Cofimco S.p.A.
via Gramsci, 136 Pombia (NO) Italia

Capitale Sociale Euro 516.460 i.v.
P.IVA 01508600036  N. REA 178367
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